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Forum moderator: Marcus, almont2001, marc_a  
Male Shorts: International V3 (2020)
MarcusDate: Saturday, 2021-07-03, 8:47 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1607
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline
The wildly popular international series continues with this third volume of short films! Male Shorts: International V3 features five shorts
focusing on men, including Vanilla, LightRapping, Polaroid, Five Minutes
a Day and My Brother.

With English Subtitles Here

Available to users only
luigimaria43Date: Sunday, 2021-07-04, 6:47 PM | Message # 2
Lieutenant colonel
Group: VIP
Messages: 78
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Sorry , but never ever watched  such worst movie! Italians are incapable to do a decent " themed" film , even a short one. The Brazilians were too dark and with no clue. Always grateful to You , Marcus for the time You dedicates to us.
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