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Forum moderator: Marcus, almont2001, marc_a  
Boys On Film 17 (2017)
MarcusDate: Thursday, 2017-12-21, 8:15 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1607
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline

Be Intoxicated and entranced by the latest gay short films from around
the world in BOYS ON FILM 17. Explore hidden desires during a sleepover,
fall in love with the handyman and be seduced by a stranger on the
beach as you discover why LOVE IS THE DRUG.


Dir. Nicholas Colia (USA) 14 mins

Alex, a precious nine-year-old boy, develops a crush on Jared, the
moody twenty-five-year-old handyman who works in the mansion where he
lives, he will stop at nothing to get his attention. Here


Dir. Dawid Ullgren (Sweden) 13 mins

Hans is looking for a fresh start. When he is pursued by the handsome
younger Andrej, he falls for him fast. As the pair get closer, his
wallet becomes looser. Is Andrej interested in Hans, or just the perks
of an older man?  Here


Dir. Brendon McDonall (UK, Australia) 22 mins

loved and lost. Scarred by his experiences, his life is takes a turn
for the better when he meets the ideal man. Life seems full of
possibility again, but what if he knew the ending before it even began?   Here


Dir. André D Chambers (UK) 15 mins

year into his relationship, Dan finally agrees to come out to his
family. He writes letters to all of them. As each arrives, he deals with
the aftermath, until there’s only one left... Starring Ricky Tomlinson (The Royle Family) Here


Dir. Eyal Resh (USA) 14 mins

on the first day of summer, Brian sleeps over at Jake's house, as they
have done countless times before. This night however, the two encounter
unfamiliar desires that illuminate a new side of themselves.  Here

HOLE (Iris)

Dir. Martin Edralin (Canada) 15 mins

A daring portrait of a disabled man yearning for intimacy in a world that would rather ignore him. Here


Dir. Lorelei Pepi (USA) 10 mins

A queer revisionist history of 1930’s black and white cartoons, Happy and Gay is a musical cartoon inspired by the power of representation.   Here


Dir. André Santos and Marco Leão (Portugal) 24 mins

Pedro gets home at dawn exhausted, he is dragged to the beach by his
loving mother. Initially reluctant, his interest is peaked when he
catches the eye of a handsome stranger by the water. Here


Dir. Anthony Schatteman (Belgium) 16 mins

unexpected kiss from a friend brings a shaft of light to 17-year-old
Jasper’s dull existence. It provides the spark he needs to embrace who
he is, but how can he persuade his self-involved father to do the same?  Here

Available to users only
MarcusDate: Thursday, 2017-12-28, 1:06 PM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1607
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline
I'll re-post them all wink
yianangDate: Friday, 2017-12-29, 6:54 AM | Message # 3
Lieutenant general
Group: VIP
Messages: 669
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Even though I already have tons of unseen shorts, the combination of Jishcand's warm advocacy and Marcus' wise choices convinced me to give them a try. Thanks!
ArdhanWardhanaDate: Sunday, 2018-06-03, 5:30 AM | Message # 4
Group: Checked
Messages: 4
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
UploadBank link is removed  sad
fb770044Date: Monday, 2018-06-04, 10:47 AM | Message # 5
Major general
Group: VIP
Messages: 370
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Thanks a lot Marcus
luigimaria43Date: Tuesday, 2021-08-03, 11:25 PM | Message # 6
Lieutenant colonel
Group: VIP
Messages: 78
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
I ' ve done it! I did hurray ! It has been strong , but I did . Marcus really nine little gems! Thanks.
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