Hana Doda, still a girl, escapes from her destiny of being wife and servant which is imposed on the women in the inhospitable mountains in Albania. She appeals to the old law of the Kanun and swears her eternal virginity thus becoming a "sworn virgin". She turns into a man, takes up a rifle and becomes Mark, Mark Doda. It is in exchange for this sacrifice that Hana is allowed to be considered at the same level as other men. Her battle does not only mean that she must rebel against what destiny has been writing on her body for centuries, but she must also reject, in name of this rebellion, every form of love. A refusal that becomes her prison. After more than ten years spent in solitude in the mountains as a man, she becomes brutish and she transforms to survive the hardship, the cold and misery, until something returns to awaken her again... Hana decides to change life and painstakingly regain her body. She knows that leaving the mountains is the price she will have to pay to be able ...
Η μικρή Χάνα δραπετεύει από μια μοίρα που την ήθελε υπηρέτρια στα βουνά της Αλβανίας. Ορκίζεται σύμφωνα με έναν παλιό νόμο να είναι παρθένα για πάντα. Παίρνει το όπλο στα χέρια και γίνεται πλέον άντρας, ο Μαρκ. Με αυτό τον τρόπο μπορεί να σταθεί ίσο προς ίσο με τους άντρες. Πρέπει, όμως, παράλληλα να απαρνηθεί για πάντα την αγάπη. Μια άρνηση που γίνεται η φυλακή της. Αφού περνάει δέκα χρόνια άγριας ζωής στα βουνά, μεταλλάσσεται σε έναν βίαιο άντρα που επιβιώνει στα δύσκολα. Αλλά μέσα της, κάτι μοιάζει να ξυπνάει από τον λήθαργο.