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Forum moderator: almont2001, marc_a, Marcus  
Children Of God (2009)
MarcusDate: Tuesday, 2017-11-21, 8:52 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1607
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline

Children of God deals with standard themes of homophobia in organized religion: But revitalizes them by drawing attention to a part of the world rarely given mass media coverage, the Bahamas. An artist struggling with his own sexuality and for inspiration, Johnny is sent to the island of Eleuthera by his teacher. Whilst here Johnny falls in love with the confident, but secretly gay, Romeo. Elsewhere on the island anti-gay rights campaigner Lena is slowly coming to terms with her own husbands (a pastor) homosexual double-life. As Lena struggles to battle on and Johnny deals with hostility from those close to Romeo, their two lifestyles eventually intertwine. Whilst being superbly shot, the lesions of this film are arguably tired. However actual footage of anti-gay protests from the Bahamas stops this film from becoming generic. What it manages to display is that we should be thankful for the liberal progress that society has made. But also that intolerance, and the abuse of religion in its service, is an ever-present and real threat.

 H Λένα είναι μια γυναίκα πολύ συντηρητική και βαθιά θρησκευόμενη
υπουργός. Ο γιατρός της της λέει ότι έχει κολλήσει μια σεξουαλικά
μεταδιδόμενη ασθένεια. Η Λένα όμως ξέρει οτι είναι πιστή στον άντρα της,
αλλά ο άντρας της είναι κρυφός ομοφυλόφιλος...

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