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Forum moderator: almont2001, marc_a, Marcus  
Touch of Pink (2004)
MarcusDate: Thursday, 2018-10-25, 10:15 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1607
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline

Alim is an Indo-Canadian man currently living in London, England,
the move in order to get away from what he feels is his repressive life
in Toronto under the watchful and critical eye of his widowed mother,
Nuru. For Nuru and her equally competitive sister Dolly, the perfect
public Muslim persona is the most important thing in life. Back in
London, Alim is free to live openly as a homosexual, of which his mother
is not aware. He is in a loving relationship with his live-in British
boyfriend, Giles. To navigate through his complicated life, Alim uses
the spirit of 'Cary Grant' as his confidante and advisor. Feeling like
her life is missing a daughter-in-law as Dolly prepares for her son's
"perfect" wedding, Nuru decides to reconnect with Alim in London. Not
yet ready to tell his mother of either Giles or his homosexual
orientation, Alim, with Giles' support, hides any aspect of this fact
for Nuru's visit. But as Giles is tested one turn after another during
Nuru's visit, both Alim and...

 Ένας νεαρός μουσουλμάνος ζει στο Λονδίνο με το Βρετανό φίλο του. Η ζωή
τους αναστατώνεται, όταν η μητέρα του έρχεται από τον Καναδά για να τον
πείσει να πάει στο γάμο του εξαδέρφου του, όπου θα του διαλέξουν νύφη. Ο
Αλίμ πρέπει να βρει τρόπο να της πει ότι δεν τον ενδιαφέρουν τα

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