;Racism is over in America.
That’s the conclusion reached by far too many people in the real world apparently, and the new film Dear White People sets out to address those opinions on both sides of the color-divide through a combination of frequent laughs and a sharply farcical commentary. If Higher Learning and P.C.U. spent a drunken night together this would be the frowned-upon result of that union. Just don’t call it a movilatto.
Winchester University is an Ivy League school populated primarily with white students, but the campus ignites with controversy after one of the houses hosts a racially-fueled party inviting people to come celebrate and liberate their “inner negro.” We then jump back several weeks in the lives of a quartet of black students who find their own personal agendas intertwined and altered leading up to the party.
Dear White People succeeds because it delivers its message with common sense and wisdom instead of a heavy hand. Everyone learns here. Black, white, gay, straight… no one person has all the answers or a copyright on the final truth of being human. Ultimately, the only ‘us vs them’ that matters is between those who get it and those who don’t. But hey, if that’s not enough to get your ass in a theater seat there are also jokes about big black dicks, “purple drank,” and white people’s obsession with touching Afros
Στο πανεπιστήμιο του Γουίντσεστερ, η Σαμάνθα Γουάιτ λέει στη
ραδιοφωνική της εκπομπή πως ένας λευκός πρέπει να έχει δύο έγχρωμους
φίλους, ώστε να μην κατηγορηθεί για ρατσιστής. Αυτό τραβάει άμεσα την
προσοχή των έγχρωμων φοιτητών και ένας γενικός σάλος ξεσπάει. Όταν
εκλέγεται πρόεδρος της κοινότητας, η Σαμάνθα γίνεται το θέμα ενός
ριάλιτι με επίκεντρο τα διαφυλετικά προβλήματα. Την ίδια ώρα, οι λευκοί
φοιτητές και συνεργάτες στην τοπική εφημερίδα εσφαλμένα εκλαμβάνουν τον
απόκληρο έγχρωμο Λάιονελ Χίγκινς ως υπόδειγμα της έγχρωμης κουλτούρας
και τον βάζουν στο επίκεντρο της διαμάχης.
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