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Forum moderator: Marcus, marc_a, almont2001  
Sodom (2017)
MarcusDate: Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 9:37 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1607
Reputation: 7
Status: Offline

Twenty-year-old footballer Will is on his stag-do in an unnamed European
 city when, naked and handcuffed to a lamppost, he is rescued by former
pianist Michael. Back at Michael's apartment, the attraction between the
 two men is immediate. But, unable to bring himself to leave, Will is
sent into a tailspin of shame and confusion. And so they spend a night
together that could change both of their lives forever. If only they
have the courage to let it.

Here OR Here

Available to users only
saturn71117Date: Thursday, 2018-09-06, 4:41 AM | Message # 2
Major general
Group: VIP
Messages: 398
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Thanks a lot, Marcus
yianangDate: Friday, 2018-09-07, 5:26 AM | Message # 3
Lieutenant general
Group: VIP
Messages: 669
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Thanks a lot, Marcus!
morriggDate: Monday, 2018-10-29, 11:46 PM | Message # 4
Group: Checked
Messages: 108
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
thanks a lot!
kurniawantoro222Date: Thursday, 2021-10-14, 2:36 PM | Message # 5
Group: Checked
Messages: 5
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
all links are dead, please fix it!
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